The Adventures of Chandler and Savannah

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

I wanna KNIP too!

Savannah wants to learn to "knip" too shey says. So I gave her some yarn, cast on a few stitches and let her hold the needles as I need a couple of rows with her hands. Then she says "Let me do it Mommy!" So, I gave it to her and sat back and watched. She worked and worked and worked. It was so sweet!

Chandler's Knitting

Chandler is learning to knit. He's making a scarf for a Christmas gift. He's proud of his scarf, but I'm proud of him!

Friday, October 21, 2005

Happy Birthday Baby Girl

Today is my baby's 3rd birthday! Tonight we are having Cinderella cake and going to Chuck E. Cheese for some fun and games. She wasn't too happy about having to wake up this morning, but we sang the birthday song and things were a little better. More pictures later!

The Best Brownies EVER!

These were the best brownies I've ever eaten. Why? Because Chandler made them all by himself. I didn't even go in the kitchen. From start to finish he was on his own, and you know what? They really were good!

Friday, October 14, 2005

Pre Halloween Pictures

Savannah and Chandler have picked out their costumes. She's going to be Cinderella and he'll be Mr. Incredible. He didn't want to show his costume yet, so I'll take pictures of him on Halloween. Here are some of Savannah:

While I was getting my nails done this past weekend, the lady painted Savannah's nails too. She loved it. She sat so still and when we were drying our nails she was so cute sitting on the big chair with her hands under the light.

Every Cinderella has to have a "glass" slipper right?

Sunday, October 02, 2005

Random Kid Pics